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Hold a conversation? Madonna arrived in the African nation this week with David, her 12-year-old daughter Lourdes and 8-year-old son Rocco, and has toured the country and also visited a day care center built by her charity. Nice It's not a matter of the playing surface anymore Anyone want a pig in a blanket? The guaranteed portion of the Braves' offer was less than half as much. Smoltz wasn't pleased by quotes attributed to Braves officials following his decision to sign with Boston. He has expressed that displeasure in several interviews, but Monday he sounded content. ABC decided to give Thomas and "Cupid" another chance, and though new star Bobby Cannavale is entertaining as the title character, it's not entirely clear why ABC thought this slight premise was worth another go-round. Dug for the orcs pix... ah, it is really so hot! Manchester United is now Personchester United. I like sports where things actually happen. It shouldn't matter what the hell other people think. 2w| 2| qa|