How to Make an Essential Oil Basic Care Kit

How to Make an Essential Oil Basic Care Kit

The following will help you put together 10 very useful essential oils for basic needs around the house. You will know what oils to have around and some of the uses for the oils.

Things You'll Need:

Essential Oils-Chamomile (Athemis nobilis), Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Lavender (Lavendula officinalis), Lemon (Citrus limonum)

How to Make an Essential Oil Basic Care Kit


When you have all your essential oils, put the essential oils in the container. This way you have all the oils together in one place and readily available for use when needed.


Now add some of the necessities you will use with your essential oils like cotton balls, cotton swabs, bandages, base oils--anything that would be useful for basic uses.


Next, learn some of the basic uses for the 10 essential oils:

Chamomile--nervous conditions, insomnia, antibacterial, antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, teething, calms, burns, asthma, sprains, nausea, fever, antidepressant, sedative.

Clove--antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, helps prevent infections, toothache, asthma, nausea, sedative.

Eucalyptus-anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, deodorizing, antiviral, coughs, colds, insect repellant

Geranium--throat infections, sedative, relax, calm, antiseptic, astringent, balances emotions

Lavender--treats burns and scalds, natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative, detoxifier, promotes healing, prevents scarring, stimulates the immune system, stimulates cells in wound to quickly regenerate, balances mood, headaches, migraines, can be used undiluted

Lemon--antiseptic, antibacterial, insect bites, tension headaches, tonic, stimulates digestion, assist in weight loss, cellulite, wrinkles

Peppermint--aids digestion, helps the respiratory system, helps circulation, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, indigestion, flu, headaches, migraines, toothache, fatigue

Rosemary--physical stimulant, mental stimulant, muscular conditions, antiseptic, depression, fatigue, migraine, headache, cough, flu, hair care, acne, cellulite

Tea Tree--antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, used to treat candida (yeast infection), athlete's foot, acne, can be used undiluted

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)--antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic, flu, warts, fatigue, acne, anti-parasitic, insect repellant


Print this page or write down the uses and place in the container with your essential oils so that you always have a reference for some of the basic uses of the oils.


Now that your essential oil basic care kit is put together, you are ready to use it. You will find that you will use some oils more then others over time and you may want to add other necessities to your kit.

Tips & Warnings

It's best to store your essential oils in a cool, dark, dry location-this will allow for a longer shelf life and keep the oils from going bad. The bathroom medicine cabinet is not recommended since the bathroom temperatures fluctuate and is usually very damp.

Test the oils on the skin if you have a reaction, discontinue use, you can still use the oil around the house just not on the skin.

Don't use any essential oil undiluted unless stated otherwise.