How to Make an Essential Oil First Aid Kit

How to Make an Essential Oil First Aid Kit

Essential oils can be useful in first aid situations if you know how to use them. They generally are inexpensive than many traditional remedies. Learning more about the healing properties of essential oils will help you to pack your own first aid kit.


Decide which essential oils you want to put in your first aid kit. Limit the number of oils for your kit. 6 or 7 is a good amount. The most common and useful essential oils to include are
, chamomile, peppermint, tea tree and
. Lavender is used to treat burns and bruises. Tea tree oil can be used for insect bites. Peppermint helps with stomach problems. Common uses for a first aid kit are scraps, cuts, bruises, bites and burns. Include essential oils specifically for these (see Resources below).


Store your first aid kit and essential oils properly. Essential oils are volatile. Store oils in brown glass bottles away from heat and light.


Decide what carrier oils and bases to include in your first aid kit. Many times an essential oil must be mixed before applying. Use of oils such as sweet almond oil or base salves is recommended.


Include gauze, band-aids, tapes, scissors, tweezers, ice packs and other first aid needs. Be adaptable to the needs of your first aid kit. For example, in the summer, you will need different things than in the winter.


Make a reference sheet. Many times in an emergency you can forget what essential oil properties are. Include a list of useful essential oil remedies.

Tips & Warnings

Essential oils have a shelf life. Periodically go through your first aid kit and make sure your oils are still fresh.

Perform a skin patch test to check for any allergic or adverse reaction. If any reaction occurs during test or use, discontinue immediately.