How to Dress like Paris Hilton

How to Dress like Paris Hilton

The closet of Paris Hilton is likely an abyss of high-end designer pieces... worn once at the most. With a limitless budget to throw towards whatever clothing her little heart desires, Paris strives to be a fashion diva. Always dressed to turn heads and please
of the paparrazzi, Paris has the style of an heiress whose number one


is shopping. Pick up on a few tips here to dress like Paris Hilton.


Be unpredictable in your fashion choices. Paris always surprises, sometimes being daring and trendy, while others more demure and sweet. She often
the color pink, and she is all about being girly--dressed from head to toe in a stylishly coordinating ensemble. When dressing like Paris, make each outfit a intentional combination of pieces that make you stand out as a fashionista.


Don't follow mainstream fashion trends. Paris isn't known for being one of the best-dressed when it comes to celebrities, but she certainly has her own flair. She goes out on a limb and wears pieces others wouldn't dare to. Even when she makes a fashion faux paux, she still makes a splash because her style meets her personality.


Incorporate some of Paris' fashion main stays in your wardrobe, including those details that make a million-dollar statement. Try sky-high stilettos, butt-baring jeans, mini skirts, diamante studded


and plunging tops. These items reflect the wild side of this famous heiress.


Buy high-end, designer pieces whenever possible. High on quality and so exclusive that rarely should you see anyone else wearing what you are, these pieces help one to stand out in the world of fashion.


Realize that fashion and style are much more than choosing outfits. Paris accentuates her look with peroxide blonde locks, brilliant blue eyes enhanced by contacts, a year-round tan, flawless makeup and nails. In addition, she wears the finest accessories, including designer sunglasses, jewels, handbags and shoes.