How to Practice Transcendental Meditation

How to Practice Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is a trademarked meditation technique perfected in 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Many believe it can be used to reduce stress and improve thinking and concentration, as well as to help you feel calmer and more alert. Its central technique is the repetition of a specific sound, called a "mantra," invoked to achieve a state of restful awareness.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Qualified instruction in Transcendental Meditation

Complete the 7-Step Learning Process


Find a qualified instructor in your area who can guide you through the 7-step process of learning Transcendental Meditation. You can easily accomplish this by visiting the official Transcendental Meditation Web site (see Resources below).


Attend an introductory lecture at the Transcendental Meditation center of your choice.


Take your personal preparatory lecture with your instructor.


Participate in a personal interview with your instructor.


Receive 1 to 2 hours of personal instruction from your Transcendental Meditation teacher.


Verify the correctness of your technique over a 2-day period. Each day counts as one of the 7 steps.


Submit to a third day of "checking" your technique. Completing all 7 steps generally takes most students only a few days.


Receive your own personalized mantra after you complete the 7-step learning process. This mantra is personal and should be kept to yourself.

Practice Transcendental Meditation


Relax. Sit quietly with your eyes closed in a controlled environment with minimal distractions.


Breathe deeply and practice allowing your mind time to calm down.


Repeat your mantra over and over for 20 minutes.


Focus your mind on the "oneness" of the universe. This is achieved through repetition of your mantra and by shutting out any external distractions around you.


Observe, accept and move past any intrusive thoughts that pop into your mind. Simply practice repeating your mantra until you've gone 20 minutes thinking of nothing else.


Learn more about Transcendental Meditation by visiting the official Transcendental Meditation Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Know that professional instruction in Transcendental Meditation can be expensive, with costs reaching into the thousands of dollars.

Consult a health professional if you're experiencing prolonged bouts of insomnia or suffering from physical ailments induced by extreme stress. Transcendental Meditation is used to enrich the everyday consciousness of otherwise healthy people, not to cure serious medical conditions.

Beware of unqualified instructors. Make sure you ask for credentials when considering signing up for a Transcendental Meditation course with a specific instructor, and ask if there are any former students who would be willing to provide you with a testimonial.