How to Practice Vipassana Meditation

How to Practice Vipassana Meditation

The Indian word "Vipassana" loosely translates into English as "to see things as they really are." Buddha himself practiced the art, and modern practitioners use Vipassana meditation as a means of transforming the self and purging the body of mental impurities. Its ultimate aim is the improved happiness and health of its adherents.

Things You'll Need:

Qualified instruction in Vipassana meditation

Prepare Yourself


Find a free 10-step Vipassana meditation course near you by visiting the Internet's Vipassana meditation Web site (see Resources below).


Learn the prescribed code of discipline, required of all Vipassana meditation practitioners.


Abstain from killing anything, stealing, lying, swearing, sexual activity and all intoxicants leading up to and during your instruction period.

Practice Vipassana Meditation


Breathe deeply. Focus on the flow of your breath as it enters and exits your nostrils.


Observe your bodily sensations. The goal of Vipassana meditation is to understand and not resist your body's natural reactions.


Open your mind to the idea that everything is interconnected. Try your best to exude love and kindness to everyone and everything, and keep goodwill towards all in the forefront of your mind in your day-to-day life.


Practice daily. Vipassana meditation can only be properly learned through patient, focused effort. Bear in mind that Vipassana meditation is considered by its adherents to be primarily a mental exercise, perfected through sustained physical concentration.


Extend the peace and tranquility you reach during meditation into your day-to-day life. Appreciate the goodness and interconnectedness inherent in all things.


Learn more or find a qualified and accredited Vipassana meditation instructor near you by visiting the official Vipassana meditation Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Learn Vipassana meditation free of charge by finding a Vipassana community near you. Courses are available at no cost thanks to the generosity of experienced practitioners who have donated money to further the reach of Vipassana meditation.

Vipassana meditation is not a recommended treatment for physical illnesses. Consult a physician if you have any concerns about a recurrent physical condition.

Never pay to take a Vipassana meditation course. True practitioners do not charge any fees of any kind for their services. Anyone who asks for payment for a Vipassana meditation course should probably be avoided.