How to Practice Taoist Meditation

How to Practice Taoist Meditation

Based on the ancient Eastern philosophy of Taoism, which stresses the interrelatedness of all things, Taoist meditation is looser and more relaxed than many of the other Eastern schools of meditation. Using the principles of "jing" (tranquility) and "ding" (focus), Taoist meditation seeks to invigorate and transform your innate spiritual energy to relieve stress, promote longevity and improve your overall health.

Things You'll Need:

A quiet place to meditate

Computer with Internet access

Prepare for Taoist Meditation


Be aware that the practice of Taoist meditation aims for the harmony of the so-called "3 treasures" of body, spirit and mind. Learn more about the 3 treasures at the Holistic Online Web site (see Resources below).


Seat yourself comfortably. Distribute your weight evenly, and keep your spine straight.


Focus on your breathing. Feel each breath enter your nostrils, fill your lungs, then leave your body. Establish a breathing rhythm.


Focus on your energy. Feel it fill you and leave you with each breath you draw. Notice how your thoughts swell and dissipate with each breath. Continue until you achieve a state of wakeful calm.

Use Taoist Meditation Techniques


Notice the rise and fall of your mid-section as you draw and exhale your breath. Focus on how this simple act sustains your life, and shut out external thoughts to the greatest possible degree.


Utter a mantra. Chant it using a long, drawn-out tone of voice.


Visualize. The practice of Taoist meditation involves envisioning an important spirit, demigod or deity (or an item of personal spiritual significance) floating above your head or in the empty space in front of you.


Continue to repeat your mantra as you visualize.


Meditate as often as possible--at least once per day and multiple times per day if your schedule allows. With practice comes perfection. This old adage is equally applicable to Taoist meditation.

Tips & Warnings

The expense involved with Taoist meditation is minimal. You will generally only need to purchase simple instructional materials, such as a book like "Taoist Meditation: The Mao-Shan Tradition Of Great Purity" (see Resources below).

Do not expect meditation to replace the care of a physician if you are experiencing any physical or mental symptoms of stress. Sharp increases in anxiety, depression or panic, or the onset of ulcers or high blood pressure, should be immediately discussed with a medical doctor.