How to Make an Essential Oil Travel Kit

How to Make an Essential Oil Travel Kit

When your traveling it's not always easy to deal with circumstances that arise--motion sickness, allergies, insect bites, upset stomach from the local cuisine can all make travels less enjoyable. The following will help you know what essential oils to have and some of the uses for your travels. The biggest part is to keep it small; you don't want a large bag to have to carry around.

Things You'll Need:

Chamomile (Athemis nobilis) essential oil

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules) essential oil

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) essential oil

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) essential oil

Lavender (Lavendula officinalis) essential oil

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citrates) essential oil

Peppermint (Mentha piperta) essential oil

Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil

Small container to hold oils and other necessities, that's easy to travel with, makeup case works well

How to Make an Essential Oil Travel Kit


First, because of packing restraints try to get the smallest size bottle of essential oils you can. Even though they may be small bottles there will be more then enough essential oil for your travels.


Next, put your oils into the container or bag. When you know how much room you have left, put a few bandages, cotton balls or swabs and base oil--keep it to the bare minimum. Pack items that you know you will use more than others and items that can have more then one use.


Know some of the uses for the essential oils:

Bites: Chamomile, Eucalyptus,
, Tea Tree

Combat illnesses, viruses, bacteria: Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Tea Tree

Headaches, migraines, fevers: Lavender, Peppermint

Heat rash, sunburn, sunstroke, windburn: Chamomile, Lavender, Eucalyptus

Insect repellant: Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Tea Tree

Muscle cramps, exhaustion: Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender

Jet lag, motion sickness: Eucalyptus, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint

Stomach troubles: Chamomile, Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint

Wounds: Lavender, Tea Tree


Print this page or write down the uses, place in the container with your essential oils as a reference. It's always nice to have a reference because you may not remember what oils work for which use.


Now your essential oil travel kit is ready to go. Place the container in your carry-on if at all possible.

Tips & Warnings

Depending on if you are traveling by plane, it's best to check and follow their guidelines. You may need to pack the essential oils in your luggage verses your carry-on. You don't want to have your essential oils taken by the airline and not be able to use them when needed.

Tea tree and Lavender can safely be used undiluted, but any other oil needs to be diluted.

Test the oils on your skin before you pack them to see if you will have a reaction. If you do have a reaction to any oil don't pack it, use a different oil for that circumstance.

How to Make an Essential Oil First Aid Kit

How to Make an Essential Oil First Aid Kit

Essential oils can be useful in first aid situations if you know how to use them. They generally are inexpensive than many traditional remedies. Learning more about the healing properties of essential oils will help you to pack your own first aid kit.


Decide which essential oils you want to put in your first aid kit. Limit the number of oils for your kit. 6 or 7 is a good amount. The most common and useful essential oils to include are
, chamomile, peppermint, tea tree and
. Lavender is used to treat burns and bruises. Tea tree oil can be used for insect bites. Peppermint helps with stomach problems. Common uses for a first aid kit are scraps, cuts, bruises, bites and burns. Include essential oils specifically for these (see Resources below).


Store your first aid kit and essential oils properly. Essential oils are volatile. Store oils in brown glass bottles away from heat and light.


Decide what carrier oils and bases to include in your first aid kit. Many times an essential oil must be mixed before applying. Use of oils such as sweet almond oil or base salves is recommended.


Include gauze, band-aids, tapes, scissors, tweezers, ice packs and other first aid needs. Be adaptable to the needs of your first aid kit. For example, in the summer, you will need different things than in the winter.


Make a reference sheet. Many times in an emergency you can forget what essential oil properties are. Include a list of useful essential oil remedies.

Tips & Warnings

Essential oils have a shelf life. Periodically go through your first aid kit and make sure your oils are still fresh.

Perform a skin patch test to check for any allergic or adverse reaction. If any reaction occurs during test or use, discontinue immediately.

How to Make an Essential Oil Basic Care Kit

How to Make an Essential Oil Basic Care Kit

The following will help you put together 10 very useful essential oils for basic needs around the house. You will know what oils to have around and some of the uses for the oils.

Things You'll Need:

Essential Oils-Chamomile (Athemis nobilis), Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), Lavender (Lavendula officinalis), Lemon (Citrus limonum)

How to Make an Essential Oil Basic Care Kit


When you have all your essential oils, put the essential oils in the container. This way you have all the oils together in one place and readily available for use when needed.


Now add some of the necessities you will use with your essential oils like cotton balls, cotton swabs, bandages, base oils--anything that would be useful for basic uses.


Next, learn some of the basic uses for the 10 essential oils:

Chamomile--nervous conditions, insomnia, antibacterial, antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, teething, calms, burns, asthma, sprains, nausea, fever, antidepressant, sedative.

Clove--antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, helps prevent infections, toothache, asthma, nausea, sedative.

Eucalyptus-anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, deodorizing, antiviral, coughs, colds, insect repellant

Geranium--throat infections, sedative, relax, calm, antiseptic, astringent, balances emotions

Lavender--treats burns and scalds, natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative, detoxifier, promotes healing, prevents scarring, stimulates the immune system, stimulates cells in wound to quickly regenerate, balances mood, headaches, migraines, can be used undiluted

Lemon--antiseptic, antibacterial, insect bites, tension headaches, tonic, stimulates digestion, assist in weight loss, cellulite, wrinkles

Peppermint--aids digestion, helps the respiratory system, helps circulation, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, indigestion, flu, headaches, migraines, toothache, fatigue

Rosemary--physical stimulant, mental stimulant, muscular conditions, antiseptic, depression, fatigue, migraine, headache, cough, flu, hair care, acne, cellulite

Tea Tree--antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, used to treat candida (yeast infection), athlete's foot, acne, can be used undiluted

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)--antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic, flu, warts, fatigue, acne, anti-parasitic, insect repellant


Print this page or write down the uses and place in the container with your essential oils so that you always have a reference for some of the basic uses of the oils.


Now that your essential oil basic care kit is put together, you are ready to use it. You will find that you will use some oils more then others over time and you may want to add other necessities to your kit.

Tips & Warnings

It's best to store your essential oils in a cool, dark, dry location-this will allow for a longer shelf life and keep the oils from going bad. The bathroom medicine cabinet is not recommended since the bathroom temperatures fluctuate and is usually very damp.

Test the oils on the skin if you have a reaction, discontinue use, you can still use the oil around the house just not on the skin.

Don't use any essential oil undiluted unless stated otherwise.

How to Practice Zen Meditation

How to Practice Zen Meditation

Zen meditation, also known as Zazen, has been practiced by Zen Buddhists for centuries as a way to forget the self, thus opening the mind to the oneness of the universe and achieving enlightenment. Its practice and influence has spread, and today many non-Zen Buddhists use Zazen to achieve tranquility and respite from the stresses of their daily lives.

Things You'll Need:

Small pillow (known as a zafu)

Quiet environment

Meditate Using the Zen Technique


Wear loose, nonrestrictive clothing.


Place your zafu pillow on the floor.


Sit down, allowing your knees to touch the floor. There are a variety of proper sitting positions endorsed by Zen practitioners that you can learn about (see Resources below). Choose the one that's most comfortable for you while still allowing for complete body stability.


Keep your back straight. This is essential, as it allows for maximum functionality of your diaphragm.


Fold your hands in the "cosmic mudra" position (see Resources below).


Keep your mouth closed, and press your tongue gently against your palette. This will reduce your need to swallow.


Breathe deeply and rhythmically.


Center your body gravity in your "hara," located 2 inches below your belly button.


Rock your body in circular arcs, decreasing the circumference with each pass. Keep your gravity centered in your hara.


Count the number of times you inhale and exhale. When you reach 10, go back and start at 1 again.


Let any thoughts that come to your mind run their course. As time goes on, external thoughts will intrude your Zen meditation less and less.


Practice, practice, practice. With time, your awareness will deepen and you will begin to experience the physical and psychological benefits of Zazen.


Purchase a straightforward introductory book on the subject of Zazen to learn more (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Specially-composed music can aid practitioners of Zen meditation with their ability to concentrate (see Resources below).

Zen meditation can be self-taught, though it may take considerable time and effort. The costs associated with learning it, though, are minimal.

Zen meditation should not be used as a substitute for any conditions for which you have been prescribed treatment by a health professional. Though practitioners often report heightened physical and mental health, you must consult your doctor before ceasing any medical treatments.

How to Practice Vipassana Meditation

How to Practice Vipassana Meditation

The Indian word "Vipassana" loosely translates into English as "to see things as they really are." Buddha himself practiced the art, and modern practitioners use Vipassana meditation as a means of transforming the self and purging the body of mental impurities. Its ultimate aim is the improved happiness and health of its adherents.

Things You'll Need:

Qualified instruction in Vipassana meditation

Prepare Yourself


Find a free 10-step Vipassana meditation course near you by visiting the Internet's Vipassana meditation Web site (see Resources below).


Learn the prescribed code of discipline, required of all Vipassana meditation practitioners.


Abstain from killing anything, stealing, lying, swearing, sexual activity and all intoxicants leading up to and during your instruction period.

Practice Vipassana Meditation


Breathe deeply. Focus on the flow of your breath as it enters and exits your nostrils.


Observe your bodily sensations. The goal of Vipassana meditation is to understand and not resist your body's natural reactions.


Open your mind to the idea that everything is interconnected. Try your best to exude love and kindness to everyone and everything, and keep goodwill towards all in the forefront of your mind in your day-to-day life.


Practice daily. Vipassana meditation can only be properly learned through patient, focused effort. Bear in mind that Vipassana meditation is considered by its adherents to be primarily a mental exercise, perfected through sustained physical concentration.


Extend the peace and tranquility you reach during meditation into your day-to-day life. Appreciate the goodness and interconnectedness inherent in all things.


Learn more or find a qualified and accredited Vipassana meditation instructor near you by visiting the official Vipassana meditation Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Learn Vipassana meditation free of charge by finding a Vipassana community near you. Courses are available at no cost thanks to the generosity of experienced practitioners who have donated money to further the reach of Vipassana meditation.

Vipassana meditation is not a recommended treatment for physical illnesses. Consult a physician if you have any concerns about a recurrent physical condition.

Never pay to take a Vipassana meditation course. True practitioners do not charge any fees of any kind for their services. Anyone who asks for payment for a Vipassana meditation course should probably be avoided.

How to Practice Transcendental Meditation

How to Practice Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is a trademarked meditation technique perfected in 1958 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Many believe it can be used to reduce stress and improve thinking and concentration, as well as to help you feel calmer and more alert. Its central technique is the repetition of a specific sound, called a "mantra," invoked to achieve a state of restful awareness.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Qualified instruction in Transcendental Meditation

Complete the 7-Step Learning Process


Find a qualified instructor in your area who can guide you through the 7-step process of learning Transcendental Meditation. You can easily accomplish this by visiting the official Transcendental Meditation Web site (see Resources below).


Attend an introductory lecture at the Transcendental Meditation center of your choice.


Take your personal preparatory lecture with your instructor.


Participate in a personal interview with your instructor.


Receive 1 to 2 hours of personal instruction from your Transcendental Meditation teacher.


Verify the correctness of your technique over a 2-day period. Each day counts as one of the 7 steps.


Submit to a third day of "checking" your technique. Completing all 7 steps generally takes most students only a few days.


Receive your own personalized mantra after you complete the 7-step learning process. This mantra is personal and should be kept to yourself.

Practice Transcendental Meditation


Relax. Sit quietly with your eyes closed in a controlled environment with minimal distractions.


Breathe deeply and practice allowing your mind time to calm down.


Repeat your mantra over and over for 20 minutes.


Focus your mind on the "oneness" of the universe. This is achieved through repetition of your mantra and by shutting out any external distractions around you.


Observe, accept and move past any intrusive thoughts that pop into your mind. Simply practice repeating your mantra until you've gone 20 minutes thinking of nothing else.


Learn more about Transcendental Meditation by visiting the official Transcendental Meditation Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Know that professional instruction in Transcendental Meditation can be expensive, with costs reaching into the thousands of dollars.

Consult a health professional if you're experiencing prolonged bouts of insomnia or suffering from physical ailments induced by extreme stress. Transcendental Meditation is used to enrich the everyday consciousness of otherwise healthy people, not to cure serious medical conditions.

Beware of unqualified instructors. Make sure you ask for credentials when considering signing up for a Transcendental Meditation course with a specific instructor, and ask if there are any former students who would be willing to provide you with a testimonial.

How to Practice Taoist Meditation

How to Practice Taoist Meditation

Based on the ancient Eastern philosophy of Taoism, which stresses the interrelatedness of all things, Taoist meditation is looser and more relaxed than many of the other Eastern schools of meditation. Using the principles of "jing" (tranquility) and "ding" (focus), Taoist meditation seeks to invigorate and transform your innate spiritual energy to relieve stress, promote longevity and improve your overall health.

Things You'll Need:

A quiet place to meditate

Computer with Internet access

Prepare for Taoist Meditation


Be aware that the practice of Taoist meditation aims for the harmony of the so-called "3 treasures" of body, spirit and mind. Learn more about the 3 treasures at the Holistic Online Web site (see Resources below).


Seat yourself comfortably. Distribute your weight evenly, and keep your spine straight.


Focus on your breathing. Feel each breath enter your nostrils, fill your lungs, then leave your body. Establish a breathing rhythm.


Focus on your energy. Feel it fill you and leave you with each breath you draw. Notice how your thoughts swell and dissipate with each breath. Continue until you achieve a state of wakeful calm.

Use Taoist Meditation Techniques


Notice the rise and fall of your mid-section as you draw and exhale your breath. Focus on how this simple act sustains your life, and shut out external thoughts to the greatest possible degree.


Utter a mantra. Chant it using a long, drawn-out tone of voice.


Visualize. The practice of Taoist meditation involves envisioning an important spirit, demigod or deity (or an item of personal spiritual significance) floating above your head or in the empty space in front of you.


Continue to repeat your mantra as you visualize.


Meditate as often as possible--at least once per day and multiple times per day if your schedule allows. With practice comes perfection. This old adage is equally applicable to Taoist meditation.

Tips & Warnings

The expense involved with Taoist meditation is minimal. You will generally only need to purchase simple instructional materials, such as a book like "Taoist Meditation: The Mao-Shan Tradition Of Great Purity" (see Resources below).

Do not expect meditation to replace the care of a physician if you are experiencing any physical or mental symptoms of stress. Sharp increases in anxiety, depression or panic, or the onset of ulcers or high blood pressure, should be immediately discussed with a medical doctor.

How to Practice Singing Meditation Techniques

How to Practice Singing Meditation Techniques

Many forms of meditation, both modern and ancient, employ singing techniques to achieve mental singularity or to invoke or praise a higher power. Whether you practice meditation for spiritual purposes or simply to reduce stress and promote good health, using singing techniques is said to elevate your meditation to new heights.

Things You'll Need:

Tibetan singing bowl (optional)

Computer with Internet access

Quiet, dedicated space for meditation

Prepare for Meditation


Change into clothing that fits loosely and does not restrict your breathing or movement in any way.


Seat yourself on the floor. You may use a small pillow for added comfort or sit in a chair, if you wish. Whichever you choose, it is imperative that you keep your back as straight as possible. This allows energy to flow through you more readily. It also maximizes your diaphragm's power.


Assume a proper position. When seated on the floor, legs should be crossed flat, with your knees touching the floor. If you're seated in a chair your feet should be shoulder width apart, flat and straight. Hands can either rest on your legs or be held in a position specific to the type of meditation you practice.


Exercise proper breathing. Depending on the style of meditation you use, or if you simply have developed your own, deep and rhythmic breathing is an essential step in achieving the tranquility and calmness required for effective meditation.

Use Singing Techniques During Meditation


Have a mantra. This is a phrase, often spiritual in nature, that is chanted again and again during meditation. However, instead of chanting it, sing it in long, flat notes.


Concentrate on the quality, pitch and timbre of your voice, allowing no other thoughts to enter your mind as you sing your mantra. If intrusive thoughts manage to penetrate your concentration, simply allow them to run their natural course and reach their end, then continue meditating.


Learn to use a Tibetan singing bowl online (see Resources below). When tapped with a spoon, these bowls create melodic chimes which you can sing along with as you meditate. Many traditionalists find them extremely useful.


Play special meditation music. Many Web sites offer free downloads. You'll find plenty of options by conducting a simple Internet search.


Receive special instruction. If you're interested in a particular style of meditation, see if any centers in your town or city offer lessons. The New Age meditation style known as 5Rhythms, for example, uses singing as an integral technique.


Practice meditation daily. Its beneficial effects are most readily felt when it becomes a part of your regular routine.

Tips & Warnings

Costs involved with learning singing meditation techniques are generally inexpensive. A Tibetan singing bowl, for instance, will not strain most budgets, but rates for professional instruction vary from school to school.

Though meditation can reduce stress and spur positive physiological effects, such as more restful sleep and lowered blood pressure, it is not a substitute for proper medical care. If you have stress-related medical issues, like hypertension or ulcers, see a doctor.

How to Dress like Paris Hilton

How to Dress like Paris Hilton

The closet of Paris Hilton is likely an abyss of high-end designer pieces... worn once at the most. With a limitless budget to throw towards whatever clothing her little heart desires, Paris strives to be a fashion diva. Always dressed to turn heads and please
of the paparrazzi, Paris has the style of an heiress whose number one


is shopping. Pick up on a few tips here to dress like Paris Hilton.


Be unpredictable in your fashion choices. Paris always surprises, sometimes being daring and trendy, while others more demure and sweet. She often
the color pink, and she is all about being girly--dressed from head to toe in a stylishly coordinating ensemble. When dressing like Paris, make each outfit a intentional combination of pieces that make you stand out as a fashionista.


Don't follow mainstream fashion trends. Paris isn't known for being one of the best-dressed when it comes to celebrities, but she certainly has her own flair. She goes out on a limb and wears pieces others wouldn't dare to. Even when she makes a fashion faux paux, she still makes a splash because her style meets her personality.


Incorporate some of Paris' fashion main stays in your wardrobe, including those details that make a million-dollar statement. Try sky-high stilettos, butt-baring jeans, mini skirts, diamante studded


and plunging tops. These items reflect the wild side of this famous heiress.


Buy high-end, designer pieces whenever possible. High on quality and so exclusive that rarely should you see anyone else wearing what you are, these pieces help one to stand out in the world of fashion.


Realize that fashion and style are much more than choosing outfits. Paris accentuates her look with peroxide blonde locks, brilliant blue eyes enhanced by contacts, a year-round tan, flawless makeup and nails. In addition, she wears the finest accessories, including designer sunglasses, jewels, handbags and shoes.

How to Dress Like Oprah Winfrey

How to Dress Like Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey may have an infinite amount of money in her bank account, a troop of fashion stylists and a custom-tailored designer wardrobe, but you don't have to break the bank to achieve her star quality look. The key to dressing like Oprah is not filling your closet with designer labels, but how you wear and accessorize your outfits.


Accessorize like Oprah, by stepping up your norm. Add a fashionable pin or brooch to your outfit, or pick an extra high pair of heels. Even if you head out in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you should dress it up and add the extra element, like a pair of stilettos, a sparkling pair of earrings or a stylish handbag.


Have your clothes tailored at a bargain price. The reason why Oprah looks perfect in every outfit is because every outfit is made for her. You too can have the perfect fit. Many dry cleaners have a tailor on staff that works for a reasonable price, which means you can look as good as Oprah, without breaking your budget.


Shape to fit, even if you can't afford a custom tailor. Dressing in straight cut blouses and jeans will only make you look like you have packed on the pounds. Regardless of your shape and size, select clothing that streamlines and shows off your shape. Tapered leg pants are a definite no-no for almost every body type.


Follow Oprah's tricks for looking thinner, without actually losing weight. Slim your look with a pair of white flare bottomed trousers and a dark slim cut blouse. Add height with a pair of heals to really slim your look.


Wear gray, Oprah Winfrey's favorite color choice. Gray is fashionable, but not as gloomy as black, and not as glaring as white, while still matching almost any color in your closet.


Choose sleek, no-show panties, because Oprah wouldn't be caught dead with a panty line. Try a low-cut boy short that will always be comfortable and easy to conceal, or a sexy thong, for a discreet yet sensual lingerie option.

How to Dress Like Nicole Richie

How to Dress Like Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie is the daughter of Lionel Richie and co-star of "The Simple Life." She was well known for having a horrible sense of style. Eventually, her look matured from trashy to chic. You can put together ensembles to dress like her.


Buy a black jumper. Wear it with oversized square sunglasses, a gold braided belt, a black saddlebag and tan open-toe pumps. Nicole Richie was photographed wearing an outfit like this in April 2007.


Dress yourself in a black tank top, jean shorts and open-toe pumps. The tank top should be fitted and tucked into the shorts. She wore this with oversize sunglasses too.


Get a blue-with-white-polka-dots headband. Wear it with white round sunglasses, a white three-quarter sleeved shirt, a red belt, dark blue crop jeans and black open-toe pumps. Nicole Richie was seen walking her
in this outfit.


Wear a white lace mini-dress. Accessorize the dress with a black satin clutch, cubic zirconium bracelet and satin, sling-back sandals. She wore this to "The Devil Wears Prada" screening in Los Angeles. Another accessory she included was an oversize ring on her left index finger.


Build your wardrobe with Empire waist tops, halter tops and dresses made out of silk or velvet. Nicole Richie often wears brown but also enjoys creams, gold, bronzes and caramels.


Accessorize with a replica of a


she often carries. It is a floral-print pocket bag. Wear jewelry that enhances your look when you dress casually.


Enjoy fun fashion. She frequently wears flats, designer baby tees and shorts to go shopping. Go to the beach wearing a yellow bikini and oversized sunglasses.

How to Dress Like Natasha Bedingfield

How to Dress Like Natasha Bedingfield

Not only is Natasha Bedingfield a hit singer songwriter, but she also makes time for volunteering and raising money for those in need. She knows how to rock a simple pair of jeans or a fantastic dress at the Grammys. You can steal her style by making sure your wardrobe is versatile and by not being afraid to try something different.


Wear a casual outfit. Natasha Bedingfield would dress very casually for any volunteering work. Find a nice pair of jeans or khakis and pair it with a designer t-shirt or a simple top.


Dress up for a fun night out. You can keep the jeans, but add a sparkly top and some heels. Don't be afraid to show a little skin. Natasha Bedingfield is classy, but she's still young and doesn't mind looking sexy.


Go formal and buy a gorgeous gown, fit for the red carpet. Natasha Bedingfield is a big fan of the BCBG brand, so look for a dress from their line.


Pay close attention to your hair and


. Natasha Bedingfield has long, golden locks that always look immaculate. Her makeup is simple and natural, but makes her look phenomenal.


Accessorize. Dress up a more casual outfit with some heels or a cute clutch. Make sure your


matches the occasion.


Attend a fashion show to get ideas. Natasha Bedingfield scours the fashion shows at Fashion Week to get ideas.

Tips & Warnings

If you can't afford the same designers as Natasha Bedingfield (and let's face it, who can?), don't be afraid to scour the sale racks at department stores.

If you're on a very tight budget and can't afford department stores, try looking at thrift stores in more upscale neighborhoods. You'd be surprised at what some people get rid of. And remember, one person's trash is another person's treasure.

How to Dress Like Natalie Portman

How to Dress Like Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is an actress who's been in movies such as "V for Vendetta" and "Cold Mountain." She's known for having a great sense of style and has even been called the new Audrey Hepburn. Use these steps for ideas on how to dress like her.


Buy a red halter top and jean capris. Natalie Portman was photographed wearing these with sneakers, round sunglasses and a messenger bag.


Copy her day clothing. Get the Amber Slouch Pant from Principals, Bonds Chesty Tank from The Warehouse, Ohio Top in Cobalt from Principals, Pulp Adeline Shoe from Hannahs, CL Studded Tote from Strandbags and an anchor pendant from SUPRĐ“‰.


Mimic her red carpet style. Get the Ruched Spaghetti Strap Halter Dress in Violet from Staxs, Isabella Anselmi Angel shoes from Overland, Party Bag from Strandbags and a black belt. Natalie Portman prefers to keep her accessories to a minimum when wearing an outfit like this.


Find a knee-length black dress. She wore this with a black clutch and black shoes to Paul McCartney's 64th birthday party. It was a simple dress that looked both formal and comfortable.


Wear a black tank top with jeans. Natalie Portman wore this after taping her appearance on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" in 2004. She wore it with dangly


and a necklace. The tank top said "Kerry me" showing her both political and humorous side.


Get a knee-length bright red dress. She wore one with sandals to the 36th Annual Comic Con International to promote "V for Vendetta." She didn't have any accessories.

How to Dress Like Mandy Moore

How to Dress Like Mandy Moore

Mandy Moore is a singer, actress and clothing designer. Her style is described as simple and chic. She has a feminine look while still being casual and comfortable. You can use this guide for ideas on how to dress like her.


Wear the Dot dress by Plastic Island with red open-toe pumps and a black Alice bag. The dress has short sleeves and is a little above knee-length. Mandy Moore was seen wearing this ensemble in
New York



Put together an outfit similar to one she's worn. Wear the Ruffle and Tie skirt from Merric, Forever singlet from Cotton On, Pleasantville Puff Sleeve cardi from Dotti, and Devil Wears Croc shoes from Minx Shoes. Add the Washed purse from Just Jeans and a knitted cap from Country Road to complete the look.


Find longer length cocktail dresses. These give you toned down versions of some of the gowns she's worn on the red carpet. For example, the Satin Purple halter from Staxs worn with Sally by French Connection shoes, a rounded clutch and multiple thin metal bangles gives you an elegant, but still semi-casual, look.


Use inspiration from menswear with feminine touches. Get a black cropped vest to wear over a white silk tunic. Wear these with wide-leg trouser jeans and leopard-print pumps. Mandy Moore wore this to a charity event.


Get a green dress for formal events. She wore one with green beaded accents to the premiere of "License to Wed." Her accessories were gold clunky


and a ring.


Wear a pink, strapless dress that falls just below the knees. Mandy Moore wore a dress like this to the 2007 MTV Movie Awards with light-colored pumps. Her accessories were a black wristband and matching earrings.

How to Dress Like Maggie Gyllenhaal

How to Dress Like Maggie Gyllenhaal

Maggie Gyllenhaal is an actress who's been in movies such as "Stranger Than Fiction" and "World Trade Center." She is known for her sense of fashion, which has been described as quirky and eclectic. Follow the suggestions in this guide to dress like her.


Wear a black dress with long sleeves. Maggie Gyllenhaal wore a knee-length dress like this to the "Sherrybaby"
signing in Hollywood. She wore it with black tights and black shoes. Her accessories were a gold


and a ring.


Copy her casual look. Order the Katie dress from Principals, Gold Bird necklace from Equip, Durban shoes from Mi Piaci and the Suzi Smitch Croc Flap tote from Strandbags. She wears patterns that go with the colors of the season along with detailed jewelry and accessories.


Find a brown, knee-length dress. She wore this to the "Trust the Man" premiere in
New York

with a brown cloth belt, black shoes and matching earrings. The brown material also had a black paisley print on parts of it.


Put together a 1930s style ensemble. Wear the Glitter Cocktail dress from Principals with a sequin belt from Pagani and Sachi Zakari shoes from Overland Footwear. She wore a similar style outfit with faux fur, but another option is a matching woolen wrap.


Get a short white dress with a white belt and silver buckle. Maggie Gyllenhaal wore one like this to the "Happy Endings" premiere in New York. She wore it with gold shoes, a gold clutch, a diamond necklace and diamond earrings.


Buy a dress with an interesting hemline and add simple accessories. She wears dresses that focus more on lines and fabrics rather than extreme colors and details. Get the Strapless Yarn Bubble dress from Staxs, Sequin shrug from Principals, Isabella Anselimi shoes from Overland Footwear and Framed Vintage clutch from Country Road.

How to Dress Like Madonna

How to Dress Like Madonna

Madonna has been a fashion icon for over 20 years. She continues to set trends and is a staple and muse for the creativity of many in the fashion industry. You can follow Madonna and dress like the material mom. Then be on your way to becoming a style icon in your own right. Follow these necessary steps to dress like Madonna.


Study pictures of Madonna through the years to get a feel for her evolving personal style. Decide whether you want to dress like Madonna of past years or her latest incarnation.


Listen to Madonna's music of that era to get a feel for what was influencing her personal style. Know that her personal style is very indicative of her artistic period.


If you want to dress like the '80s Madonna, wear lots of layers of lace, frilly skirts, bleached out hair and lace leggings. She looked a bit like a floozy back then--this is an easy look to achieve.


If you want to dress like she does n ow, check out the H&M website or stores as she has a line inspired by her personal style. Spend a good chunk of your money on separates and modern shoes; stacked heels and peep toes are a current favorite.


Refer to British royalty for some inspiration as her style has taken on a decidedly British flavor. Wear unique tee shirts and Adidas sweat pants for a casual look. Often she is caught in the streets of London dressed for a bike ride.

How to Dress Like Lindsay Lohan

How to Dress Like Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan might get a lot of flack for her addictions, but her addiction to high fashion is a habit many of us wish we could afford. Even if you lack the funds to fill your closet with couture designers, you can copy the controversial actress's sexy, envelope-pushing style. Here's how to dress like Lindsay Lohan.


Buy lots of tops and dresses that have deep, plunging v-necklines and skinny spaghetti straps. This style is similar to the traditional triangle bikini top, except that there is fabric below the bust line. Lindsay Lohan probably picks this look because the neckline displays her legendary cleavage, while the straps add fullness to her narrow shoulders.


Follow trends. Read fashion magazines hot off the presses to see what's the latest rage. Lindsay Lohan buys clothes you'll see on models marching down the runways and is constantly changing her look to reflect what's in. Stay on top of high fashion so you're never caught in last season's skirt.


Buy designer denim--or jeans that are knock offs on what Lindsay's wearing. She's often spotted in Hudsons, Joe's and Seven for All Mankind. The actress usually tops off her look with trendy, body-conscious tops and Uggs or tennis shoes.


Stick with short-shorts and equally tiny skirts. Usually Lindsay Lohan's skirts hug her body but occasionally she'll go for something flowy and flirty, like a silk wrap skirt.


Think big when selecting accessories. Lindsay Lohan favors oversized bags, large sunglasses and prominent jewelry pieces. These items usually have large designer logos imprinted on them, but if you can't afford to spend thousands on a purse you'll carry once, find a knock-off.

How to Dress Like Lily Allen

How to Dress Like Lily Allen

Lily Allen is a singer/songwriter from London. Her style is a combination of pop culture, punk and rock. Critics either love or hate her fashion sense, although she doesn't care what they think. Here are some clothing items you can pick up to dress like her.


Dress comfortably. She is often seen in dresses and skirts that are easy to wear. The dresses are sometimes short with strange patterns. Using these abnormal patterns, she creates her own look.


Wear sneakers. Allen often wears the brands Puma and Converse. She also has sported vintage boots or small flats for more formal attire. You can wear fashion sneakers in place of regular ones if you prefer a dressier look.


Go formal with longer gowns. Allen is known for wearing prom dresses in bold colors. She also wears vintage dresses for red carpet events. This doesn't make her the most glamorous person on the carpet, but she is probably the most comfortable attendee.


Put ribbon ties or clips in your hair. Allen matches the color of the ribbon to the dress she is wearing.


Find a dress in a denim material. Add a brown belt around your waist. She's worn this outfit with white shoes.


Get a gray hoodie. Wear this with a boy's parka on top for protection against bad


. Lily Allen wore this over a fuchsia dress with rubber boots to a British festival where the ground was muddy.